Easily Impressed

Hardly a day goes by without me whispering “WOW!”, or, “I want one of those!” at something i’ve seen on t’internet (I’m easily impressed).

After you have dragged your minds out of the gutter, have a look at these:

The following text is lifted direct from Make:

This simple demonstration of eddy current braking (Wikipedia) will probably be familiar to many of you, but this video from YouTuber JamesRB1995 is a short, well-shot, impressive documentation of the effect. Keep in mind that copper is not ferromagnetic, and there is no direct magnetic attraction going on here.


I was a washing machine engineer in a former life and love this example of recycling, these words were also stolen, this time from 2012architecten:

The Miele Space Station is an architectural installation made entirely of washing machines, hence the name. This multifunctional mobile unit is compounded out of five separate modules, each of which can be carried by two people. Washing machines have a standard width of 60 cm, and, accordingly, so do these segments. The modules can be rolled through a standard door of 210 x 70 cm. To facilitate transportation the five portions can be assembled on a trailer as a caravan. Once on site, the segments can be placed in various configurations so that the object can be used for many purposes and in different sizes. The space station has already done duty as a bar cum art vending machine, a pavement café and a music shop/office/bar; during PARASITE PARADISE it served as a mobile architects’ office.

Team: Jan Jongert, Césare Peeren, Denis Oudendijk, Jan Körbes, Barth Steenweg

11 thoughts on “Easily Impressed

  1. The first video demonstrates Faraday’s Law of Induction. It’s pretty awesome that Faraday had intuition that electricity and magnetism were connected. This example demonstrates it, a changing magnetic field induces an electric field. Here’s a link,

    • When I first left school and worked in a factory, I worked on a machine that had an induction coil that ‘annealed’ the metal pot. The coil produced beads of water….

  2. I tried to read up on eddy current braking in Wikipedia but it was way over my head by the second paragraph. Amazing, whatever it is! Love the recycled washing machines – imagine setting one up in a space at a recreational vehicle camping park!

    • You read my mind Barbara, when my lottery ticket comes up I am building a campsite with surreal living spaces!

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